IA Gen et transformation de l'entreprise
Intersection Paris #3
Taking Back the Lead on Digital – From Mess to Clarity in Enterprise IT
UX for Enterprise Impact
Using EDGY as a Catalyst for Cross-Functional Co-Design
De Startup a Empresa: Construindo seu Ecossistema de Inovação com EDGY
Intersection Florianopolis
EDGY Language Foundations: Enterprise Design Facets and Elements January/February 2025
Online cohort-based course
January 23 to March 4
Learn Enterprise Design Facets and Elements with EDGY 23
Upgrade to Galaxy Class: The Milky Way Enterprise Map
Jeu collaboratif sur les patterns organisationnels (billingual event)
Intersection Montreal
Truth and Beauty: Radically Improve Your Capability Maps
11 Patterns to Boost Your Impact on the Enterprise
Facetas do mesmo negócio ou problemas isolados?
Intersection Florianopolis
Kickstart your Design with the Enterprise Scan
Discover Intersection Group's latest tool
From #!&!*@?? to Shared Understanding with EDGY
Easy to use, hard to master. How to navigate EDGY
Digital Transformation in 2024 and why EDGY was key in accomplishing it
Unveiling an “EDGY” Customer Journey of an airport
Kickstart your Enterprise Design with a Scan
Digital Twin for Auckland Transport
StratEDGY - activating the Zurich University of the Arts living strategy
Navigating the Milky Way: Merging EDGY Facets for Enterprise Clarity
A Common Language for the Platform Organization
Conference Welcome
Kicking off Intersection 24
We say hello and some inspiring words.
Focusing on the "Right" Things in a Time of Flux
Enterprise-Therapy in EDGY times - Are you ready for that ride?
Pioneering Strategic Narratives: Bridging Vision and Action
Behind the EDGY Facets venn diagram: Tales of Transformations
Modeling a composable architecture with EDGY
Discomfort by Design: From Existing to Exciting Innovation Patterns
FLIGHT LEVELS - Connect your Organization to Enable Enterprise Flow
Rigoni di Asiago: How do we Identify the Source of an Initiative?
We will explore the concept of source through the case of our client, Rigoni di Asiago.
Intersection 24: September 18-20
10th global conference on Enterprise Design
10th Conference on Enterprise Design
Explorez les outils de design d’entreprise au-delà d’EDGY
Intersection Montreal
EDGY Application Examples
Intersection Community Campfire
Milky Way Enterprise Maps
Your enterprise on a napkin
Navigate Enterprise Change with Milky Way Maps: Discover a transformative mapping technique to guide your organization through change. Learn how Milky Way enterprise maps facilitate joint wayfinding, reveal crucial links between capabilities and outcomes, and spark collaborative conversations for successful transformation.
Capability Maps - Reloaded
Bring your Capability Maps to the next level!
Next-Level Capability Modelling: Dive into the world of next-generation capability maps. Gain insights into designing effective business architectures, overcoming common pitfalls, and leveraging capability maps for effective corporate management.
The Art of Human Interaction
Behavioural patterns to enhance relationships and collaboration within the enterprise
Unlock the Secrets of Effective Interaction: Join us to discover the keys to building strong relationships and fostering collaboration as an Enterprise Designer. Learn practical strategies for asking powerful questions, enhancing listening skills, and cultivating trust with stakeholders.
Transforming Ideas into Impact with Enterprise Design
Patterns for sustainable impact in your enterprise
Chart Your Path to Enterprise Success: Join us to explore essential patterns for establishing influence and driving enterprise-wide impact. Learn how to craft a compelling vision, build coalitions, and navigate challenges to ensure your designs and ideas make a lasting difference.
Bridging the Gaps with EDGY
It's time to understand each other!
Dive into the world of collaborative Enterprise Design with EDGY, where a simple yet beautiful language becomes the bridge between disciplines and their perspectives. Say goodbye to misunderstandings and hello to cohesive enterprise solutions.
Capabilities: How to collect, document, and leverage them
Intersection Community Campfire
Intersection Paris #1 : Deux cas d'usage EDGY
Guidelines and experiences for establishing a local Intersection Community
Intersection Community Campfire
Using EDGY and ArchiMate® to support cross functional change
Intersection Community Campfire
How to leverage knowledge of organisational solutions in biology, in human organisations.
Virtual X23 Interactive Session
An alien goes UX meetup or: how to overcome the user obsession problem.
with Wolfgang Goebl
A practical insight into how Scania uses Milky Way maps to navigate change
Intersection Community Campfire
New Thoughts on Organization Design
Virtual X23 Interactive Session
EDGY User Day: September 20
Learn from the cases of EDGY practitioners!
Learn from the cases of EDGY practitioners!
Intersection 23 Conference: September 18-20
9th global conference on Enterprise Design
9th Conference on Enterprise Design
Organizational Network Analysis for sustainable Enterprise Design
Catapult innovation design processes and realization efforts by making latent network patterns visible
Breaking through the ceiling - connecting DDD with Organisation Design
September 4th - 6pm to 8pm, Berlin, Rome
Is your Enterprise Architecture EDGY?
With Wolfgang Goebl and Milan Guenther
July 11th, 5pm to 6pm, Berlin, Rome - In this joint webinar with AEA, Wolfgang Goebl and Milan Guenther will talk about EDGY.
Capability Maps - the Next Generation!
With Wolfgang Goebl
June 12th, 9am Berlin, Paris - In this webinar with Wolfgang Goebl we present the basic concepts of capability modeling.
Enterprise Design Impact Patterns
With Bard Papegaaij
May 8th, 9am Berlin, Paris - This webinar with Bard Papegaaij presents major steps to establish and grow your influence and impact as an Enterprise Designer.
Product Release: EDGY 23
A language for collaborative Enterprise Design
Mar 29th, 9am Paris - Milan Guenther and Wolfgang Goebl will host the EDGY 23 release presentation.
Three Ways to make your Enterprise Architecture Practice Work
With Wolfgang Goebl
Mar 1st, 4 pm Berlin, Paris: In this webinar, Wolfgang Goebl will be presenting Intersection Group's approach that connects existing disciplines to enable collaborative co-design by the many true architects of the enterprise.
Milky Way Enterprise Map
With Annika Klyver and Wolfgang Goebl
Recording of a webinar Feb 15th 2023 Annika Klyver and Wolfgang Goebl show you how to bridge the gaps across identity, experience and architecture with Milky Way enterprise maps.
Severin the Service Designer
With Milan Guenther
In this webinar, Milan Guenther tells the story of Severin as they start their new engagement as a Service Designer, aiming to deliver new offerings and a better experience to their client's customers.
Earnestine the Enterprise Architect
With Wolfgang Goebl
Feb 1st, 4 pm Berlin, Paris: In this webinar, Wolfgang Goebl tells the story of Earnestine from starting her new job as an Enterprise Architect to having set up an impactful collaborative EA practice.
Enterprise Design Behavioral Patterns
With Annika Klyver & Wolfgang Goebl
Jan 25th, 4 pm Berlin, Paris - This webinar with Annika Klyver and Wolfgang Goebl provides guidance on how to behave when interacting with your many stakeholders to build better relationships and collaboration.
Getting Started with Enterprise Design
With Milan Guenther and Bard Papegaaij
January 11th, 4pm Berlin, Paris when Milan Guenther and Bard Papegaaij will be presenting the core ideas of Enterprise Design.
Intersection 22
Creating Purposeful Enterprises
The leading international conference on Enterprise Design is back! Save the date, get your session proposals ready and join us in Stockholm this September.
A graphical language for collaborative Enterprise Design
In this recorded webinar, Milan Guenther and Wolfgang Goebl are presenting the upcoming V1.0 of our graphical language for collaborative Enterprise Design.
Odile the Organisation Designer
With Naomi Stanford
Feb 23th, 4 PM Berlin, Paris: In this webinar, Naomi Stanford tells the story of Odile from starting her new job as an Organisation Designer to having set up an impactful collaborative Enterprise Design practice.
The Customer-Driven Enterprise
With Jim Kalbach and Milan Guenther
In this webinar, Jim Kalbach and Milan Guenther will take you through a customer-driven approach to designing better enterprises.
Goal Portfolio Management
With Wolfgang Goebl
Watch the recording of Wolfgang Goebl presenting how to drive your strategic portfolio management by an enterprise design approach.