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Conference Welcome

Kicking off Intersection 24
  • Conference
  • September 19, 2024,9:00-9:15
  • Rome, Italy

Conference Welcome

We say hello and some inspiring words.


Guro Røberg
Guro Røberg Head of Realization
Æra Strategic Innovation

As Head of Realization at Æra Strategic Innovation Guro works with high impact projects, helping clients make their sustainable innovations come to life. As an economist from Copenhagen Business School she brings structure to chaos, and enjoys the messiness of innovation and effectiveness of design led processes. In her previous work with EY Doberman, Designit and Netlife she has helped transform some of the biggest brands in Norway (and beyond) into design driven organisations by leading change initiatives from idea to implementation. As an experienced public speaker, she regularly shares her perspectives on podcasts, conferences, teaching and in client work internationally.

Wolfgang Goebl
Wolfgang Goebl President
Intersection Group

Wolfgang Goebl is the founder and President of the Intersection Group and an Enterprise Design Coach and IT Enterprise Architect at Austrian Power Grid. He is one of the authors of the book “Enterprise Design Patterns” and the EDGY language for collaborative Enterprise Design (www.enterprise.design).

Milan Guenther
Milan Guenther President
Intersection Group

Milan is president of Intersection Group and a co-founder of Enterprise Design Associates. 12 years back, Milan launched a social software startup and designed a patented innovation for commercial flight decks. Today he works with enterprises of all shapes and sizes, to make them deliver and useful to people. He's been working with enterprises like Google, SAP, Toyota, ThoughtWorks, OECD and the UN. His first book Intersection introduces this Enterprise Design approach, and he is co-organising the Intersection conference series since 2014. He is co-author of the book Enterprise Design Patterns and key contributor to EDGY, an Open Source tool for co-creating better enterprises, adopted by organisations around the globe.

Discover the full program

Intersection 24 is the leading global event on Enterprise Design.