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Enterprise Design

Intersection Group develops tools to connect professional practice from Enterprise Design and Architecture with management and strategy to support a coherent loop between innovation and transformation, the main forces driving enterprise change.

Many design, architecture, analysis and management disciplines have been around for decades, trying to tackle the challenge of creating better enterprises. Working within silos such as HR, IT, Operations, Marketing or Digital, they excel at providing point solutions for isolated problem settings, but fall short of addressing cross-cutting concerns beyond their immediate scope. With Intersection we build the bridge between those disciplines and enable practitioners to have an impact on the enterprise as a whole.

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EDGY: an Open Source Tool
for Enterprise Design

EDGY introduces a set of reusable Enterprise Elements as a simple but powerful graphical language everybody can understand and relate to. This is a tool that enables designers, architects and change makers to co-design a coherent enterprise by collaboratively exploring the most impactful perspectives and translating between them.

Discover EDGY

Enterprise Design Patterns
Our practitioner's guide

Collected and curated from stories told by over 50 practitioners, the Enterprise Design Patterns introduce 35 practical ways to maximise your impact on the enterprise. They provide practical recipes for anyone who wants to get started with Enterprise Design or develop their architecture and practice, and are covered in our first book.

Explore the patterns