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Cycling on the EDGE

  • Conference Workshop
  • September 19, 2024,10:30-12:00
  • Rome, Italy

Cycling on the EDGE

Do you ever get the feeling that radical change is what is most needed? Did you ever dare to take a leap into the unknown?

SpronQ, a small digital agency in The Netherlands, helps enterprises make such a leap. They do so by introducing innovative digital products that have the potential to shake up an enterprise. By taking these first steps towards the edge, SpronQ shows enterprises what is possible, while reducing the fear to let go of the old.

The purpose of this workshop is to experience the design challenges we face to take an enterprise to the leading edge. Taking SpronQ, its mission and its historical narrative as input, we will ask you to design and redesign SpronQ. Using EDGY Facets and Elements and 5 key capabilities of Collaboration, Governance, IT-production, Technology, and Infrastructure, you get to use physical blocks to build tangible representations of a re-designed SpronQ.

Together we compose, and retell SpronQ's future story. Let's be rebels with a case!


Arian Jacobs
Arian Jacobs Business Designer & Business Development engineer
Spronq full service innovation studio

Arian Jacobs likes to connect business and technology. About 20 years ago she started as an information analyst combined with management and teaching. Her expertise lies in embedding new methods for Business -IT alignment into the actual business processes in a variety of industries. Her drive is to bring people together from heterogenous professional backgrounds, by creating overall agreement on goals and strategy, by helping to achieve a shared model for communication and operation.

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Intersection 24 is the leading global event on Enterprise Design.