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EDGY Advanced Workshop

  • Conference Talk
  • September 18, 2024,14:00-17:00
  • Rome, Italy

EDGY Advanced Workshop

Learn how to apply EDGY to tackle real life Enterprise Design Challenges.

This advanced workshop delves into the power of enterprise elements, taking your design and architecture toolset to the next level. Explore real-world case studies, master advanced uses of the facet model and facilitating deep reflections, and craft a cohesive narrative that bridges departmental silos. Take away strategies and approaches to introduce EDGY in your specific context and make use of its full potential.

Perfect for EDGY users with first experiences who want to:

  • Scope and explore elements for comprehensive conversations and design decisions
  • Drive cross-functional collaboration and bridge perspectives using facet reframing
  • Learn from real-world case studies and expert use of enterprise elements and maps
  • Overcome common enterprise transformation roadblocks with EDGY


Jean-Sébastien Daigle
Jean-Sébastien Daigle Founder

Jean-Sébastien's path from a graphic designer to UX designer to enterprise designer is filled with diverse and enriching experiences. With his skills in workshop facilitation, he helped his client to better understand the situation and choose a path forward. Since 2019, he has been an integral part of the Intersection Group, where he leads the development of workshops for the organization. Jean-Sébastien frequently shares his insights on the essential qualities of a designer in various conferences and mentoring sessions. His expertise in enterprise design and commitment to many design communities are evident in his role as a partner at &friends, a consulting firm in Canada.

Milan Guenther
Milan Guenther President
Intersection Group

Milan is president of Intersection Group, and a co-founder of the consultancy Enterprise Design Associates and Teamenu, a digital workplace SAAS business. 12 years back, Milan launched a social software startup and designed a patented innovation for commercial flight decks. Today he works with enterprises of all shapes and sizes, to make them deliver, and useful to people. He's been working with enterprises like Google, SAP, Toyota, ThoughtWorks, OECD and the UN. His first book Intersection introduces this Enterprise Design approach, and he is co-organising the Intersection conference series since 2014. He is co-author of the book Enterprise Design Patterns and curator of EDGY, an Open Source tool for co-creating better enterprises, adopted by organisations around the globe.

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Intersection 24 is the leading global event on Enterprise Design.