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Discomfort by Design: From Existing to Exciting Innovation Patterns

  • Conference Workshop
  • September 19, 2024,13:30-15:00
  • Rome, Italy

Discomfort by Design: From Existing to Exciting Innovation Patterns

How can we break free from constraints that make us all feel on edge? In a world where our collective capacity for innovation is often stifled by a daunting discomfort of change: how great would it be if we could hack our brains, so that it’s actually craving it?

Join our experts, Lorena and Mathieu, to witness how innovation patterns in your enterprise can become cutting-edge through a surprising blend of two estranged disciplines: risk management and inclusive design (yes, you read that right). This unique approach will not only illustrate how friction and resistance aren’t obstacles; it will showcase how those are essential components for avoiding echo chambers, improving risk perceptions and unleashing more of your capabilities.

Featuring activities designed to spark imagination and shift perspectives, this 90-minute workshop will challenge your comfort level to inspire new ways of thinking and reacting. Come and explore how the EDGY framework can help us all alter our cognitive biases, embrace diversity, and make us all move from existing to exciting patterns.


Mathieu Roy
Mathieu Roy Innovation Facilitator, Founder of STOIX

Based in Montreal (Canada), Matt’s career path has never been straightforward …by design! From his transition of ROI specialist in Finance (MBA, CFA) to Product Manager focused on UX in the tech industry, his reputation for edgy roles and innovation projects always thrived him to work on all facets and intersections. He notably built agile capabilities as first Product Owner for a global branding agency, crafted identity growth strategies for an award-winning tech startup, and led from idea to launch the creation of a digital twin platform for an industry-leading 3D studio. A major turning point actually, given his discovery of EDGY to solve vicious circles at that time. This led him to the foundation of STOIX: a consulting firm in Enterprise Design facilitation as a means to [co]create virtuous circles of meaning, impact and sustainable growth.

Lorena García Girón
Lorena García Girón Founder / Innovation & Design Consultant

Lorena García Girón is the Founder of Sidéral, a Montreal based Consultancy that enables creativity and innovation within international organizations through impactful Design and Strategic Communication. Her 18+ year expertise spans visual communication, branding, and content strategy, ensuring the delivery of meaningful and effective solutions. With a background that defies a single well-defined box, Lorena thrives on translating missions into brands and services that promote diversity, inclusion, and sustainable development. Her interdisciplinary approach, combining Human-Centered Design with a multicultural vision and critical thinking, fosters positive organizational change. She regularly shares her insights at international conferences and within diverse creative communities, emphasizing the power of design-led processes to create sustainable and innovative solutions.

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