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Flight Levels

  • Conference Talk
  • September 19, 2024,15:30-16:00
  • Rome, Italy

From PowerPoint Dreams to Action: Making Strategy Happen with Flight Levels®

Are you fed up with your company's strategy being a fancy slideshow that goes nowhere? In my talk, I'll show you how to bring those lofty goals down to earth. We'll navigate through the Flight Level 3 system, turning your strategic dreams into daily operational realities. Ready to make your strategy do something other than just look good on screen? Join me, and let's get practical with Flight Levels!


Klaus Leopold
Klaus Leopold Founder
Flight Levels

Dr. Klaus Leopold is a computer scientist and management consultant who has been supporting companies worldwide in developing their organizations for 15 years. He is the creator of Flight Levels, a revolutionary, lightweight, and cost-effective approach to modern organizational development. Klaus has authored several books on business agility, including "Flight Levels" and "Rethinking Agile". In his early years as a management consultant, Klaus focused intensively on Kanban and wrote two standard works on this topic: "Practical Kanban" and "Kanban Change Leadership". Klaus is the founder of the Flight Levels Academy (flightlevels.io) and LEANability.com. You can follow him on social media @klausleopold.

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