Klaus Leopold
Klaus Leopold Founder
Flight Levels

Dr. Klaus Leopold is a computer scientist and management consultant who has been supporting companies worldwide in developing their organizations for 15 years. He is the creator of Flight Levels, a revolutionary, lightweight, and cost-effective approach to modern organizational development. Klaus has authored several books on business agility, including "Flight Levels" and "Rethinking Agile". In his early years as a management consultant, Klaus focused intensively on Kanban and wrote two standard works on this topic: "Practical Kanban" and "Kanban Change Leadership". Klaus is the founder of the Flight Levels Academy (flightlevels.io) and LEANability.com. You can follow him on social media @klausleopold.


Intersection 24: September 18-20
10th global conference on Enterprise Design

  • Conference
  • September 18–20, 2024, 09:00-17:00
  • Rome, Italy

10th Conference on Enterprise Design

FLIGHT LEVELS - Connect your Organization to Enable Enterprise Flow

  • Conference Talk
  • September 19, 2024, 15:30-16:00
  • Rome, Italy